I am a Mom first, with 2 amazing daughters one year apart, looking like opposites or twins depending on whom you ask. Both are beauties and both are creative, fit and kind. Kristan is my oldest with sandy blonde hair, big blue eyes and a yoga fit bod. My Kate has the green eyes, long dark hair with a Pilates dance body. Ten years after Kate my little boy Max was born.

It was a busy time in my life although I don’t remember ever not being busy. Max is 25 this week. He has blonde hair, blue eyes and gets his share of compliments and comparisons to some Hollywood handsome’s! Yes they are all stunners just from looking at them but their most exquisite beauty is from the inside and that is what I wanted my children to have above all else. When I think back and reminisce about making decisions, guiding them, helping them to experience life, so many memories come flooding back. I wanted them to know it’s okay to make mistakes….like the time I took Max to the park, he was 3 and we lived in a Tudor style home down a beautiful tree lined street, third house in from the bottom of the hill. At the top of the hill on the left was a wonderful mid-sized park equipped with monkey bars, a steep slide, and some swings. To the side of the park was a grass hill that my Kristan and Kate used in the winter for tobogganing. This day though was a sunny warm day, a little humid and we would take our time to walk up the hill, Max opting to jump in the wagon half way up. I pulled Max while we sang my childhood favorite “up and down in my little red wagon”.
We had about an hour at the park, Max always liked the swing the best.
My first mistake – After I would give him some nice big pushes, I would make a funny face and stomp across the pebble ground in front of the swing, then he would laugh so hard because I would make it look like a close call before the swing would hit me and then I would jump out of the way just in time to hear more belly laughing! It was quite an explanation to Max’s Dad after he came home from taking our little guy to the park a few days later. His Dad explained “Max made a face to the kid on the swing then walked right in front him and nearly got knocked out”. Uh oh Mommy is in trouble.
On the way home from the park on that hazy humid day we headed to the sidewalk and towards the hill that would lead us home when Max pointed to the wagon. “Mommy in wagon”, “I take Mommy home”.
“Ok Maxy”, “Mommy get in wagon”.
I always encouraged creative thinking and wanted to build confidence, use ideas and make them proud of themselves for conquering what they set out to do. The wagon had the long straight handlebar with the grip at the front and Max was holding it with both hands. My thought was to sit in the wagon with one leg on each side straddled, feet on ground and I would shuffle along while he thought he was doing all the work. The easy part was sitting, wasn’t as easy to hang each leg over the sides and when I realized I couldn’t touch the ground Max started to pull the wagon with too much ease as we had started our descent south. It all happened so fast…..Max started running, his wagon chasing him, me, a hostage and we were gaining speed. It started a zig zag pattern as we sped down the hill. I heard a voice from across the street, a neighbor, she sounded concerned; “Are you ok?”, all I could do was wave as we sailed down the hill at about 200 mph yelling “we’re great”! Just then the wagon took Max out, knocked him down, ran over his leg and I continued my ride leaving my little boy to fend for himself.
I could see the chain link fence ahead would put a stop to this crazy wagon and when it did I ran up the hill like an Olympian. I had to get to Max. When I got to my brave little soldier, he was trying to wipe away the debris from his knees. He looked like he’d been in a fight but took it like a champ.
“Sorry Max, Mommy thought her legs were longer”!
That was a good BUILDING CHARACTER day, and for me it was a MY NEIGHBOR thinks I’m crazy day!